Since knitting is still pretty much for gifts at this point, I'll talk about the other thing I did last weekend: Applesauce.
30 lbs. of mixed apples from my cousins' apple trees. I wish I'd brought my camera while I was picking; their guard turkeys and chickens were amusing if annoying. They were trying to eat all my apples, not just the bad ones I threw to them. The chickens weren't a problem, but the turkeys were tall enough to reach into my picking box and peck at my shoes while I was on the ladder.
I washed the apples, cut them into chunks, and removed stems, bad spots and some of the blossom ends (though I think I'll do more of that next time.) I chucked them into a pot as I cut, with about 1/2 cup of water, on medium heat. I cooked them until softened, about 15-20 minutes.

I processed the hot apples through a Victorio Strainer (a food mill)... apples go in the white hopper at the top, you turn the crank (just visible on the right side) and out comes mushed applesauce, without skins, seeds, or unpleasant crunchy bits.
The finished applesauce needed no extra sweetening or seasoning, so went back onto the stove to stay hot. I prepared pint Mason jars by washing in the dishwasher, packing them with applesauce, and processing in a boiling water canner for 30 minutes.
30 lbs of apples = 15 canned + 3 frozen pints of applesauce.
(plus extra for tasting and dessert... hot applesauce on gingerbread!)
Meanwhile, my husband was installing insulation.
He did come down and help me when it got dark.
Well.......updates? You're worse than me! Are you taking pictures of Christmas presents so you can post them afterwards and we can see?
Short answer, yes. I'll let you guys know where they are after the holidays. :)
I'll try to sit down tomorrow and put a post together. On the one hand, I seem to always have other things to do rather than post; on the other hand, I can't think of anything interesting to blog about that isn't Christmas presents right now.
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