Sunday, August 26, 2007

Progress Report

I don't know why, but I tend to have loads of projects going at once, switching back and forth, and I'll often finish a bunch at the same time.

Now is not a finishing time, but a starting time.

One new project I'm not going to talk much about yet, except that I'm knitting it using 6-strand cotton embroidery floss on size 1 needles.  Knitting is fine using this floss, but purling is a pain due to the tendency of the floss to separate.

I've also been working slowly on a set of the Hermione's Cable and Bobble mittens from Charmed Knits to match the hat I finished recently.

On Friday, a big thunderstorm came through my area, and it knocked out power to my house all evening.  I couldn't knit my small DPN projects by flashlight, so I started another Hermione hat:

 (Purple Hatmione and her older sister)

This one is in "Fantasy Yarns Cashmere Luxury Aran" I picked up on clearance at AC Moores.  I love working with this yarn; it's 45% merino, 49% microfiber and 6% cashmere, beautifully soft, very stretchy and forgiving, runs smoothly through the fingers, and it's not scratchy at all.  The Berroco Ultra Alpaca I used for the first hat felt fine in the skein at the store, but seems to be a little scratchy when knit up into the hat.  Maybe when I wash and block it that'll soften up a bit.

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